Program Review: 50cm Challenge
Program Review: Gripper Control
- The program shown below is a sample solution to the
Gripper Control Mini-Challenge
from Moving Forward 4.
It assumes that the robot starts out with its arm
raised all the way up, and that the object is placed 20cm away
from the robot.
Moves the robot forward 1 rotation at 50% power.
Drives the robot to the object.
Turns the Motor at Port 10 (Robot Arm) for -315 degrees.
Lowers the Robot Arm onto the object, assuming the arm
was raised all the way up in the beginning.
Turns the Motor at Port 11 (Gripper) for 10 degrees.
Closes the gripper to grab the object.
Program Review: Cargo Transport
- The program shown below is a sample solution to the
Cargo Transport Mini-Challenge
from Moving Forward 4.
It assumes the robot arm starts in the down position with the claws open wide.
Turns the Motor at Port 11 (Gripper) for 10 degrees.
Closes the gripper to grab the object,
assuming the object is initially placed in the robot's gripper.
2_MoveMotor_raise arm
Turns the Motor at Port 10 (Robot Arm) for 315 degrees.
Raises the Robot Arm with the object to begin
carrying it to the goal.
Moves the robot forward 1.5 rotation
(approx. 30cm) at 50% power.
The robot drives 30cm forward to bring
object to the drop off area.
Turns the Motor at Port 10 (Robot Arm) for -315 degrees.
Lowers the Robot Arm to set the object down.
Turns the Motor at Port 11 (Gripper) for -10 degrees.
Opens the gripper to drop the object.
Moves the robot backward 1.5 rotation
(approx. 30cm) at 50% power.
The robot drives back to the starting point.