Turns motors B and C On at 20% power.
Starts moving the robot forward with Ultrasonic Sensor towards the wall.
StopMultipleMotors block will need to stop the robot later.
2_WaitUntil_first wait block
Stops the program from processing
additional commands until the Ultrasonic Sensor value is less than 25 ('< 25')
Robot waits until the wall is less than
25cm away.
3_SetLEDColor_first TOUCHLED block
Sets the value of the EV3's LED as 'ledRed'.
Turns EV3's LED red.
4_WaitUntil_first wait block
Stops the program from processing
additional commands until the Ultrasonic Sensor value is less than 10 ('< 10')
Robot waits until the wall is less than
10cm away.
Sets the value of the EV3's LED as 'ledOrange'.
Turns EV3's LED Orange.
6_WaitUntil_first wait block
Stops the program from processing
additional commands until the Ultrasonic Sensor value is less than 50 ('< 50')
Robot waits until the wall is less than
50cm away.
Sets the value of the EV3's LED as 'ledGreen'.
Turns EV3's LED Red.
Stops motors B and C.
Stops the robot (after the WaitUntil block finishes).
Turns motors B and C On at -50% power.
Starts moving the robot backward, away from the wall.
StopMultipleMotors block wil bel needed to stop the robot later.
Stops the program from processing
additional commands until the Ultrasonic Sensor value is greater than 30 ('> 30')
Robot waits until the wall is more than
30cm away before continuing the program.
Stops motors B and C.
Stops the robot (after the WaitUntil block finishes).